It is essential we all embrace cooperative, communal, internationalist thinking and values in order to avoid extinction.
Review who you’re consuming news and information from, and ask, “Cui bono?” (“Who benefits?”) from the bias & manner in which it is presented. Approach this using a class-based lens. It will help you improve your ability to identify whose propaganda you’re taking in and allowing to shape your ideas about your experiences and perception of others and the world.
Think about the stories you hear or read, non-fiction and fiction alike. Which class do the antagonists and protagonists belong to, putting aside the usual divisions of politics, race, religion, gender identity, nationality, sexuality, that shape your opinions. Look only at whether people are members of the Capitalist/Owner/Bourgeoisie, or Worker/”Lower & Middle Class”/Proletariat class? Obviously there are nuances, and either side can experience traitors, but again, ask yourself who benefits from the way a person thinks and lives?
US politics are Capitalist-Class-Serving – the entire system. If you’re new here, trust that I have done the work to know the evidence beyond memes. I’m an avid reader, and I’ve been investigating the way Capitalists have indoctrinated generations of us here in the US, by giving us sanitized history textbooks, along with those same Capitalists owning the news and entertainment media, controlling the narrative to always have a Pro-Capitalist viewpoint presented. The Pentagon reviews, approves and rejects movie scripts, the US intelligence machine has people in place, often right in the open now, guiding the narrative.
These are repeating patterns over the course of the last century or so, as Capitalists have resisted change in order to satisfy their avarice, by taking more and more from Workers. They literally plan to move most people into space while select few get to remain on planet. Jeff Bezos has said this openly in a recent interview.
The Capitalist Class sees Workers as cattle for them to consume, by exploiting labor, allowing a deadly pandemic and other global human rights violations like hunger, lack of clean water, lack of housing, and other avoidable suffering & cruelties to go on even though these could all be resolved via wealth reparations, and abandoning the Death Cult of Capitalism.
I haven’t even gotten into how ugly the history of the US is. Trust me, you will be appalled when you learn the truth and more importantly, you recognize the lies you’ve been told, why you were told those, who benefits from you believing those lies, and who in your life will cling to those comfortable lies once you show them.
As always, if you need sourcing on any claim or statement I’ve made, get in touch via the site or on Twitter, where I’m most active. You could also try my linktr.ee/comradebirb
That said, I’m not inviting you to a debate. I’m autistic (late diagnosis), ADHD, have cPTSD and am chronically ill and in pain. Frankly almost anything you think is a GOTCHA about Communism has already been addressed and is likely new information to you. I’ll help point you to it, but it’s up to you to do the labor of reading, listening, or watching and do so using your critical thinking skills, avoiding logical fallacies or other mistakes in thinking. It’s harder than you imagine if you aren’t already questioning the supposed merits of continuing to allow the exploitative socioeconomics that are necessary for Capitalism to function.
But if you’re ready to approach things using real, unsanitized history, declassified government documents, a recognition that you are still vulnerable to Imperialist propaganda, because that’s been the Default “Normal” for generations, and a commitment to examining material conditions, not simply accepting idealist platitudes as proof of progress, then you should dive into the Reading Recommendations section, which is in dire need of updating, but trust me, there is almost certainly several books you’ve never even heard of, much less read.
I personally recommend getting up to speed with a broad overview of unsanitized US history. The extensively sourced graphic history novel ADDICTED TO WAR is a great place to start.
I’ll be updating the reading recommendations soon, but I have other commitments to family and comrades in our mutual aid group to meet in the next couple of weeks first. I’ve read many books the last several months and I’m excited to add those to the lists.
Thanks for reading, and please follow our pages on social media!