Learn some recent history you probably don’t know by watching Danny Haiphong’s The Left Lens video that I saw earlier today. It got me thinking, and I wrote a long-ass Facebook post about it, the text of which follows after the YouTube link.
I’m not being smug when I urge people to learn real history. I say it because I didn’t know most of the history I do now until the last few years myself, and it has improved my understanding of how and why our system in the US works the way it does.
Please, if you live in the US, I hope you are willing to recognize that the American Empire is collapsing. I hope you will stop getting fooled by the Capitalist Uniparty. We are in the midst of a Class War we were all born into, but we are socially conditioned to defend as normal and good. We need you to recognize that the Capitalists are driving us straight into Ecocide and help us to fight back.
We outnumber the Capitalist Ruling Class – but they’re very well organized together, and against us. We need you to learn to become class conscious, and we’ll help you do that.
Who’s “We?” Your friendly neighborhood Communists! In the US, we’ve all been indoctrinated and conditioned to react to that word negatively and defensively. We are taught a distorted version of history and told lies by the News & Entertainment media to continuously reinforce those patriotic tales of American Exceptionalism fighting the Evil Reds.

I’ve spent the last several years in a deep dive of history, real, unsanitized history, some of which has only been declassified in the last 20-some years. Most of what we think we know regarding the history of the US and how it operates today is wrong. Most of what we think we know about the rest of the planet and people on it is also wrong.
What you don’t know CAN hurt you, and does. Once I saw the historical lies we’ve been taught, and started exploring the impacts and outcomes of those lies, I realized why it is done. If enough USians become aware of how we’ve been manipulated by the tiny fraction of the 1%ers and everything and everyone they own, even in better times than we have currently, there’d be no way for the Capitalist Ruling Class and their Fascist enforcers to defend themselves from the backlash.
Take some time to think about some of the contradictions of the system we live under. In the richest country on Earth, why is there poverty? Especially when the US is fighting proxy wars all over the planet. $13.9 billion from US taxpayers sent so far this year for Ukrainian Nazis to keep the proxy war against Russia going until there is an actual genocide of Ukrainians.
But no money to cancel exploitative student debt, which is why tuitions are so high, because during the Reagan Administration the ruling class realized getting college educated people in forever debt would help prevent revolution by an Educated Proletariat.

There’s SO much more. Using Dialectical And Historical Materialism to scientifically evaluate history, current conditions and be able to recognize the repeating patterns of events. The US Ruling Class has held back the evolution of our civilization using tactics that mirror those of other cults. Americanism is their cult, based in white nationalist myths and lies. It created and employs artificial divisions among the working class as a part of their counter-revolutionary measures.
They will drive our planet as close to Ecocide as we all together allow them. But the working class outnumbers that tiny minority of ultra-rich dragons lounging in their ill-gotten hordes, watching the climate become less survivable in more places every day, because they aren’t wealthy enough.
We can and will beat them. Revolution is inevitable. The US population is only 4.25% of global population, and our military is one of the largest contributor of climate changing emissions and is growing increasingly unpopular around the globe. Other nations are building alliances rooted in cooperation and peace and they outnumber the US population exponentially.
So whose side you want to fight on in the Class War? Your own, or will you be a traitor and defend our shared oppressors at the top?
I know this is all terrifying. But I didn’t stop learning because I felt fear, guilt, and yes, at times, nauseous. I tell myself that I owe it to those who actually endured the suffering to learn from their horrifying experiences, because it’s another piece of a puzzle as I evaluate current events and the material conditions involved.
I’m open to answering genuine questions in the comments.