I wrote this on Facebook a few months ago. I wanted to preserve it over here.
I hope I live through the revolution. But if I don’t, I hope that I will have helped others become revolutionaries seeking liberation for us ALL. It’s why I keep trying to share educational info here.
I understand how the Anti-Communism of the US has conditioned us to treat Stalin as bad as Hitler, and Communism as bad as Nazism. They’ve literally told us boldfaced lies our entire lives, because the Capitalist Oligarchs are TERRIFIED of Communism and they want you to be too, as an extra layer of making the US revolution proof.

Now factor in how I’ve shown here multiple times that the US eagerly recruited Nazi, Fascist & Imperialist fugitives at the end of WW2, protected them from Nuremberg, and employed them in highly influential positions.
The CIA was built on the back of The Gehlen Organization – the Nazi’s spy network on the Eastern Front.
The USSR and China suffered the most losses in WW2 and the US role has been greatly exaggerated. But it’s all part of that American Exceptionalism narrative we’ve had forced down our throats. That’s straight up white nationalist narrative.

The US dropped the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki as a warning to the USSR & China. Japan had already offered surrender. But US Capitalists wanted to use the opportunity to show off the destructive force available to them to discourage and destroy Socialists.

The US was DESPERATE to convince Americans that the Allies who had the greatest successes against the Axis powers but also the greatest losses (USSR & China) were somehow worse than the Axis enemies themselves. The Capitalist ruling class saw that the Bolsheviks had already transformed from a pre-industrial nation to industrialized within a few years, and that workers around the world were watching with interest in bringing the next era of civilization development to reality in their countries.

Some of the work done by Nazi war criminals along with their US/UK/European co-workers was to sabotage the elections in Greece & Italy right after WW2.

If you don’t already know, “color revolution” means one incited from the outside by the US/NATO. Those are not rooted in nor do they benefit Proletarian Revolution, and are in fact one of the methods deployed against the Proletariat. The CIA has invaded, done assassinations, drug and arms trafficked, all over the world. The drugs & arms are used to fuel counter-revolutionaries (hey remember the CONTRAS? You get what that means, right?) all over the globe so that the parasite owner class can continue to extract, exploit, and enslave in order to keep their profits flowing. And they’re going to keep doing that.

They’ll drive us to Ecocide if we let them. They got their luxury survival bunkers, superyachts (lol have they not seen The Perfect Storm?), and some think they’re going to go live on Mars or even space stations.

We are living in the Imperialism stage of Capitalism, and that’s why we’re seeing more white nationalism, because the US Empire is collapsing, we’re all feeling it in our bank accounts, and we’ve all been conditioned to blame The Other, rather than the system that perpetuates these repeating patterns of conditions over generations.
I hope I help you to see things from a fresh perspective. I know what it has meant to me as I’ve been in my deep dive of unsanitized history the last several years. It has helped me see the world more clearly and my analysis of current events has vastly improved, knowing more background from anti-Imperialist sources.
What we are taught and the way we are taught history in the US is deeply biased in favor of the owning class, because they control the presses & schools. We are literally propagandized to be a traitor to our own class and support the owning class, despite the harm it brings to us collectively. I hope you are looking into this sooner rather than later, because these mf’rs will drive us to extinction if we don’t start taking the reigns from them.
So I’ll keep writing and sharing resources, and I hope you’ll read & ask questions and we can work together to help more of y’all become class conscious. Best birthday gift you could give me!
Please let me know if you have any questions. I’ll do my best to answer & provide resources.