On Sunday I went to some garage sales. At one, I got chatting with the wife at one house because they had chickens. I bought a couple of books.
I don’t remember how but we got on the subject of little free libraries and mutual aid and she said if her stuff didn’t sell by the end of the day that she would probably donate most of it for those efforts.
She gave me her number and asked me to text her. I did but then she decided that she didn’t want to donate the stuff, which was fine. I mentioned that I was enjoying one of the books I bought from her and it led to her outing herself as a white supremacist.
I blocked her after the last text you see in the screenshots.
I will not argue with not one damn person, especially white ppl, about whether this is an example of white supremacy or not, because it is.
If you aren’t horrified by what she said, you need to take a good deep, long look inside yourself.
Be aware this is NOT an uncommon mindset, and may even be held by ppl you know and care about. It’s actively dangerous and if you are friends/family/co-workers with someone like this – they pose a threat to other ppl in your community. The question is whether you care more about your principles or keeping the peace with white supremacists.