I’m pretty fed up with USian Boomers & Gen X propagating McCarthyism.
You are grown people. If you can’t be bothered with deprogramming from Anti-Communist lies, then you should also not express political opinions, which are inevitably based in that propaganda, and even if unintentionally, you’re going to have impulses to defend the Capitalist Establishment, because we’ve all been conditioned to do that our entire lives.

How can you look at things and believe this government was ever meant to serve the masses? Read Federalist Papers 10 if you think it ever was, so you can understand that the founding fathers ALWAYS intended to establish a class-based US, with themselves (and their descendants) at the top and in charge. How can you NOT see this, EVEN IF your personal existence in this world is comfortable?

I really am trying to help y’all. I’m being direct because I see where things are headed and I’m trying to help you recognize that Capitalism is the largest cult humanity has ever seen.
If I didn’t care about you, I’d just sit on the sidelines laughing and mocking you behind your backs. But I DO care about y’all, so here I am, trying to share the information and resources that have been and are useful to me. So I’m going to start recommending specific things you can read, watch, or listen to a couple of times a week here on the blog.
Today’s suggestion is to get acquainted with political scientist Michael Parenti. Please read his article here: Left anti-communism: The Unkindest Cut, and then follow it up with reading more from him, and watching some of his lectures on YouTube.
He is one of many authors I will recommend, and all of them are human, ergo, imperfect. So there will be no hero worship from me, nor do I encourage it. May this also inform you that this is not a cult and no one author or theorist is regarded as infallible. Contrast this with the subcult of celebrity – along with herofication and villainization of public figures – under capitalism, depending upon how the upper ruling class needs the masses to view those figures at any point in time.
Please let me know if you look into my recommendations, and what you think.