How long you reckon before the eugenicist coercion we’re seeing in Canada asking disabled people if they want to consider assisted suicide starts extending to unemployed people and spreading to other countries?
The Capitalist Ruling Class is going to say – through their various obedient mouthpieces – that precious planetary resources must be saved for the abled who are productive to the economy, and everyone else should give serious consideration to euthenasia.
Once more jobs are automated, watch how quickly more people’s lives are regarded as disposable and we are bombarded with messaging about not being greedy about using reduced resources, like water, soil, air, and more.
The propaganda machine will go brrrrrrr & so will the con artists hawking virtual reality afterlife for “reduced carbon footprint AND rent compared to meatspace,” but you will still be forced to have a job in VR, and it will suck. But HEY better than being dead, amirite, bud?
There will be sappy coercive messaging throughout media, both in the form of overt PSAs advocating for medically assisted death at 40, FOR THE PLANET, as well as shaming scenes inserted into shows and movies for anyone alive who isn’t working and adding value to the economy, including toddlers, who, it will be argued, are fully capable of performing repetitive tasks like opening doors, robotics repair, and welding.
This will all happen, and more, if the working class doesn’t organize against our planetary crisis.
So let’s ramp up those actions, shall we? Capitalism can’t solve the problems it causes with the practices it needs to function.
We need a worker-and-poor-people-run government that holds Capitalists to account instead of being in their pockets, and who puts the needs of people and planet ahead of profit.
We need Socialism.
And that’s precisely why the US government has run propaganda, psy-op, murder, and assasination campaigns, coup d’etats, wars, illegal invasions and occupations and so much more – to end Socialist movements domestically and abroad. They plant terrifying lies about Socialism, Communism, and collectivism in our heads the same way the Jehovah’s Witness doomsday cult portrays its critics – dangerous types who will lead you astray, into a ruinous life.
Both cults, the JW and Capitalism, rely on obedience of the masses in order to keep operating. Both use similar control and manipulation techniques.
It’s exhausting trying to get my fellow human beings to wake up to what we’re facing and take action. But I can’t stop. Won’t stop.